Target Platforms

Adobe Analytics


Adobe Analytics puts industry-leading data into customizable visualizations that drive better marketing decisions.


Copy the context data variable to an "eVar" in Adobe Analytics

Black Crow AI will send unique information about the user and their score as "contextData" into your Adobe Analytics platform. In order to use this data within Adobe Analytics, you need to map the contextData to eVars as shown below.

If of interest, a Black Crow AI Integrations team member can can set up these mappings on your behalf - simply provide access to using your admin console and notify your BCAI account manager.

  1. Click Analytics > Admin > Report Suites
  2. Select a Report Suite
  3. Click Edit Settings > General > Processing Rules
  4. On the Processing Rules page, click Add Rule
  5. Click Add Condition and then select Add variable name context data
  6. Map the "blackcrow_score" context variable to an available eVar of your choice
  7. Click Add Action and then select the action you want to be performed when the contextData is set
  8. Click Save

How Black Crow passes data to Adobe Analytics

Please note that we use "contextData" and "linkTrackVars" with the linkName of "blackcrow_audience|score_update" when sending information into Adobe. This means it will be considered a link click in your analytics system. If you have another preferred method of integration, or concerns, please let us know.

Reference: "Copy a context data variable to an eVar"

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